Meet Camelle

Experience movement with Camelle 

Hi! My name is Camelle Pink and I can't wait to meet you.

These Barre Fitness workouts are prepared exclusively for Southlanders and Global Barre enthusiasts.

Why a Barre Studio in Invercargill? Ballet and Barre encouraged me to be confident, move with ease, know myself, and develop lasting friendships. 

It's nearly been over 10 years of instructing Barre and I still LOVE it. When I left Auckland, NZ, in 2017 my friends kept egging me on to start Barre classes in Invercargill, NZ.

Now, 5+ years later, my Barre workouts remain sought after.  

When not instructing or preparing my next Barre Workout, you will find me doing 1:1, 4:1 groups, semi privates, group workouts and PT sessions using Pilates, Adults Dance Classes, Ballet, Contemporary Dance, Wedding Dances, Sip & Dance events. If it is dance or art, you name it and I'll give it a go. 

*workouts resume in 2024. I'm nearly finished my Diploma in Clinical Pilates so am ready to leap into the studio with you.

How did I get involved in Barre Fitness?

When I moved from Invercargill to Auckland to pursue a dance degree, I stumbled head first into a Barre instructing position at Abundance (City Fitness) in the CBD. It was the perfect meeting point for my technical expertise, confidence in the benefits of moving to music and my desire to help others find ways to be comfortable in their own skin. 

This led to instructing Barre and Pilates all over the show. At the beginning I was skeptical of the benefits, it seemed like it might be another fad. But it actually worked (much to my surprise!). In each studio or gym, I found diverse people benefitting from the group exercise-based workout that incorporated ballet, yoga, Pilates and most of all, fun. 

I hope you come along and test it for yourself - book into class. If you are curious, send me a message, I would love to hear from you.